Writing assertionsΒΆ

Page objects are our interface to the web pages. We still need context files though, not only to call the page objects, but also to verify expectations.

Traditionally we’d want to throw exceptions if expectations are not met. The difference is we’d ask a page object to provide needed page details instead of retrieving them ourselves in the context file:

use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;

class ConferenceContext implements Context
    private $conferenceList;

    public function __construct(ConferenceList $conferenceList)
        $this->conferenceList = $conferenceList;

     * @Then /^(?:|I )should not be able to enrol to (?:|the )"(?P<conferenceName>[^"]*)" conference$/
    public function iShouldNotBeAbleToEnrolToTheConference($conferenceName)
        if ($this->conferenceList->hasEnrolmentButtonFor($conferenceName)) {
            $message = sprintf('Did not expect to find an enrollment button for the "%s" conference.', $conferenceName);

            throw new \LogicException($message);

Our page object could look like the following:

namespace Page;

class ConferenceList extends Page
    public function hasEnrolmentButtonFor($conferenceName)
        $conferenceSlug = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($conferenceName));
        $button = $this->find('css', sprintf('#enrol-%s', $conferenceSlug));

        return !is_null($button);

We could go one step fruther in making our life easier by using phpspec matchers available through the expect() helper:

 * @Then /^(?:|I )should not be able to enrol to (?:|the )"(?P<conferenceName>[^"]*)" conference$/
public function iShouldNotBeAbleToEnrolToTheConference($conferenceName)
    expect($this->getPage('Conference list'))->notToHaveEnrolmentButtonFor($conferenceName);

To use the expect() helper, we need to install it first. Best way to do this is by adding it to the composer.json:

"require-dev": {
    "bossa/phpspec2-expect": "~1.0"