Working with page objects

Creating a page object class

To create a new page object extend the SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension\PageObject\Page class:


namespace Page;

use SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension\PageObject\Page;

class Homepage extends Page

Instantiating a page object

Injecting page objects into a context file

Page objects will be injected directly into a context file if they’re defined as constructor arguments with a type hint:


use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
use Page\Homepage;
use Page\Element\Navigation;

class SearchContext implements Context
    private $homepage;
    private $navigation;

    public function __construct(Homepage $homepage, Navigation $navigation)
        $this->homepage = $homepage;
        $this->navigation = $navigation;

     * @Given /^(?:|I )visited homepage$/
    public function iVisitedThePage()

Using the page object factory


PageObjectContext described here is deprecated in favour of injecting page objects directly into context’s constructor (described in the previous section). PageObjectContext will be removed in future versions of this extension.

Pages are created with a built in factory. One of the ways to use them in your context is to call the getPage method provided by the SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension\Context\PageObjectContext:


use SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension\Context\PageObjectContext;

class SearchContext extends PageObjectContext
     * @Given /^(?:|I )search for (?P<keywords>.*?)$/
    public function iSearchFor($keywords)


Alternatively you could implement the SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension\Context\PageObjectAwareInterface.

Page factory finds a corresponding class by the passed name:

  • “Homepage” becomes a “Homepage” class

  • “Article list” becomes an “ArticleList” class

  • “My awesome page” becomes a “MyAwesomePage” class


    It is possible to implement your own way of mapping a page name to an appropriate page object with a custom factory.

Opening a page

Page can be opened by calling the open() method:


use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
use SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension\Context\PageObjectContext;

class SearchContext implements Context
    private $homepage;
    private $navigation;

    public function __construct(Homepage $homepage, Navigation $navigation)
        $this->homepage = $homepage;
        $this->navigation = $navigation;

     * @Given /^(?:|I )visited (?:|the )(?P<pageName>.*?)$/
    public function iVisitedThePage($pageName)
        if (!isset($this->$pageName)) {
            throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unrecognised page: "%s".', $pageName));


However, to be able to do this we have to provide a $path property:


namespace Page;

use SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension\PageObject\Page;

class Homepage extends Page
     * @var string $path
    protected $path = '/';


$path represents an URL of your page. You can omit the $path if your page object is only returned from other pages and you’re not planning on opening it directly. $path is only used if you call open() on the page.

Path can also be parametrised:

protected $path = '/employees/{employeeId}/messages';

Any parameters should be given to the open() method:

$this->getPage($pageName)->open(array('employeeId' => 13));

It’s also possible to check if a given page is opened with isOpen() method:

$isOpen = $this->getPage($pageName)->isOpen(array('employeeId' => 13));

Both open() and isOpen() run the same verifications, which can be overriden:

  • verifyResponse() - verifies if the response was successful. It only works for drivers which support getting a response status code.
  • verifyUrl() - verifies if the current URL matches the expected one. The default implementation only checks if a page url is exactly the same as the current url. Override this method to implement your custom matching logic. The method should throw an exception in case URLs don’t match.
  • verifyPage() - verifies if the page content matches the expected content. It is up to you to implement the logic here. The method should throw an exception in case the content expected to be present on the page is not there.

Implementing page objects

Page is an instance of a Mink DocumentElement. This means that instead of accessing Mink or Session objects, we can take advantage of existing Mink Element methods:


namespace Page;

use Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException;
use SensioLabs\Behat\PageObjectExtension\PageObject\Page;

class Homepage extends Page
    // ...

     * @param string $keywords
     * @return Page
    public function search($keywords)
        $searchForm = $this->find('css', 'form#search');

        if (!$searchForm) {
            throw new ElementNotFoundException($this->getDriver(), 'form', 'css', 'form#search');

        $searchForm->fillField('q', $keywords);
        $searchForm->pressButton('Google Search');

        return $this->getPage('Search results');

Notice that after clicking the Search button we’ll be redirected to a search results page. Our method reflects this intent and returns another page by creating it with a getPage() helper method first. Pages are created with the same factory which is used in the context files.

Reference the official Mink API documentation for a full list of available methods:

Note that when using page objects, the context files are only responsible for calling methods on the page objects and making assertions. It’s important to make this separation and avoid assertions in the page objects in general.

Page objects should either return other page objects or provide ways to access attributes of a page (like a title).